Kate with the Slyder girls
Cousin Reece & Kate together at last
Can we say... Two times the trouble!
Dalton & Dane Dubois with Kate
Friend Stephanie from Florida with Kate and mom.
We had a great time catching up with several family and friends after Santa came to visit. We were able to see Chad's roommate from College-Chris Dubois. We visited with Chris, Lael and their two boys: Dalton and Dane. It was great to see their new home and have time for the boys to see Kate. We also were able to meet the Slyder family...Taylor, Mallory and Allie are going to be great baby sitters as Kate gets older. We were finally able to see Cousin Joe and Lisa Davis and cousin Reece--it was fun to finally get the two of them together! There will be many play dates for cousin Reece and Kate in the coming years. We shared many parenting stories with Joe and Lisa over dinner which was great for mom and dad. We also met Drew and Stephanie Anderson for breakfast. They were up visiting family in Ft. Wayne from Florida, so we had breakfast at Bob Evans and it was great for Kate to finally have the chance to meet them. We appreciated Drew and Steph making time in their busy holiday schedule. We had a great time catching up with so many close friends--thanks to everyone for making time to visit!