Monday, November 21, 2011

Busy Fall

Family Trick or Treat...Mom and Dad get candy too!

Cinderella & Little Cinderella

Kate...I want candy too!

Our trip to Western PA to see Uncle Doug & Aunt Connie!

Cousin Courtney and Mr. Ray got married...we are so happy for them!

Uncle Doug's Pumpkin...WOW!

All our Western PA church family we love you all!

Cousin Cy & Nolan...we love you guys!

Go Colts!

So much fun at Cousin Cy's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Cousin Cy...we thank God for you!

Cousin Nolan at Cy's party...we had a great time!

All the cousins at Cy's Party...great time!

Cousin Cy...Happy Birthday!

It has been a busy fall. We celebrated Cousin Cy's birthday in October and the girls loved going bowling for the special day. We then headed to Western PA for Cousin Courtney's was great to be with the LeViere family and all our church family. It was a quick trip, but such a great time. Congrats to Ray & Courtney. Then the end of October the girls loved dressing up as Cinderella and getting candy. Mommy and Daddy had to put Kate on a candy allowance for the week. The month of November has come and gone quick with the start of winter sports Kate looks forward to watching basketball. We look forward to Thanksgiving with family and pray the Lord will bless each of you this Thanksgiving season!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lucas Oil Game

Fun in the Turf!

Day at Lucas Oil Stadium

Fun in the sun at Lucas Oil

Ready for the game

Let me play...please!

The roof was cool.

I Love Mommy!

I got to hang out with dad on the sidelines

Well the girls were able to experience Lucas Oil Stadium for the first time this past weekend. The Mooresville football team played at the stadium and we all got to go! Kate loved being on the "fun grass" and wondered how they cut it!ha! Both Kate and Kinley loved picking the little black pieces of the grass too. The day was fun, the roof was open, but it was only complete with Kate getting cotton candy. She talked about it all week and the ride home was the best because of the cotton candy. What a great experience and time together!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Has Arrived

Kate is a great big sister!

Our Jayhawk - GO KU!

Kinley loves the water just like her big sister

First Day of Preschool 2011

We have been busy this fall getting settled (transitioned) to our temporary apartment in Indianapolis. We continue to grow in our faith as the Lord works to sell our home back in Warsaw. Kate has loved her new preschool and Kinley is walking and talking (grunting) very well these days. The pacifier is gone and the baby talk has begun! We love being close to family and have enjoyed the new memories for our family being close to grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles! Kate calls our apartment the "hotel" where we stay and she loves sharing a room for now with her sister. God is good and we have enjoyed downsizing for a few months. Oh...the joy!

LABOR DAY WEEKEND - Softball Tournament

Lots of Church Softball Fun in Virginia!

So fun to be with Grammy & Papaw Briscoe

Family Friends - The Miller Family from Alabama

Cousin Cy & Kate -- Love watching softball together

Uncle Doug & Aunt Connie! We love you all!

All the Cole Family-we miss Aunt Abbie

All the Toombs Family

Well the summer quickly got away from us after our family vacation in Florida. We came back and immediately made the move to Indianapolis for Daddy's new job. The Lord has been good and we are thankful for the opportunity to be closer to family and to serve in a new place where God has placed us. Upon arriving as always...Labor Day Weekend comes too fast. We had a wonderful time in Virginia for the Interstate Church of God Softball Tournament. The Lord blessed another great turnout of church teams for the tournament, as well as, a great offering to give to the mission field in Paraguay, South America and good weather!! Praise the Lord!! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support for the mission work in Paraguay. Kate and Kinley loved being with Grammy, Papaw, Aunt Brooke, Uncle Tony and all the cousins! Due to Daddy's new job we were able to stay an extra day and be with family which was wonderful! We thank God for great weather and lots of church softball. Thanks to all our family for all their work with the tournament!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Florida Vacation

Thank you Grandpa & Grandma for a great time at Disney!

It was great to see Mickey & Minnie

Kate thanks for making Daddy's dream come true!

Kate thanks for making Mommy's dream come true!

Kate & Snow White!

The most important picture of all...Cinderella!

Sleeping Beauty was so nice!

Kate with Grandpa & Grandma at Disney...ready for the big day!

Grandma & Kinley at Rainforest Cafe-love you Grandma!

Kate had funny swimming with Grandpa at the pool

Gigi & Pap...we love you!!

Ready for Disney!

Siesta Key was so much fun!

Thank you Grammy for a great vacation!

Kate & Kinley enjoyed the sand at the beach.

We thank God for our family.

Too much fun in the pool!

Kate & Kinley love their cousins!

Briscoe & Holterman family pictures

Well it has been a few weeks....we were blessed to have the chance to go to Florida to visit Disney on Kate's 4th Birthday with Grandpa & Grandma Cole and Gigi & Pap! We were then able to go over to Siesta Key to be with Grammy & Papaw, Uncle Tony & Aunt Brooke and cousins...Tate, Mateya, Tregan and Mia. We had a wonderful vacation and cannot thank all our family enough for the wonderful memories that were made!

Kate and Kinley loved being in Orlando to start the trip...we had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma and Gigi and Pap visiting Disney. A special thanks to Gigi for watching Kinley!! Uncle Gary & Aunt Pam were wonderful and so helpful during our day at Disney (thanks Uncle Gary & Aunt Pam!). Kate loved all the rides, but she really enjoyed meeting Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White and many other Disney favorites!! She was able to wear a button that said it was her birthday and she had many people throughout the day stop to wish her a Happy Birthday! We loved being with Grandpa and Grandma Cole and Pap the whole day. What a special memory....and one that Mom and Dad will never forget!!

After our time in Orlando, we headed to Siesta Key to be with Papaw and Grammy Briscoe, Uncle Tony & Aunt Brooke and all our cousins. We had a wonderful time on the beach and at the pool each day. We took in many of the sights, but just enjoyed being LAZY! Kate and Kinley had a great time with the cousins and Tate & Mateya are becoming great big cousins who can watch the little ones. A special thanks to all the Briscoe and Holterman family for a wonderful time together too.