Sunday, September 23, 2007

Grandparents come to visit

Kate had a big week with both sets of grandparents coming up from Indy to visit. Kate was able to show each of them her new house and spend time getting spoiled! This is the one picture of Kate actually sleeping by herself for her nap on the couch. During most of her naps she insists on being held or will wake up immediately after being laid down in her bed. Aunt Abbie has the touch as we visited the boutique shops on Winona Lake. Kate is 12 weeks now and enjoys talking back to us with coos and squeals! She is always sticking a fist or all of her fingers in her mouth. She went to the church nursery for the first time today and had a blast! She was all smiles when we arrived to pick her up....and mommy and daddy enjoyed listening to the sermon uninterrupted!

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