Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kate Loves Soccer Games

I love the Grace Soccer Games-put me down so I can run!

Go Grace!

I love watching soccer with Mom.

Oh--I love being independent!

Kate has enjoyed the great fall weather we have had in northern Indiana. The Saturday afternoon men's and women's soccer games have been come a fun event for Kate & Mom. She loves watching everyone chase the ball and kick it. Kate is getting faster on her feet and enjoys looking at ants and bugs in the grass. We are heading down to Anderson for homecoming this weekend and get to visit with Grammy and Papaw Briscoe along with Aunt Brooke and Cousins: Tate, Mateya and Tregan.


Anonymous said...

She is too cute and so much fun to be around. We look forward to the holidays so that we can see you all again!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops...I accidentally posted before I got to finish writing out our name...I meant to say Love, the Ertel's