Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sideways Train Ride

Jamie's responsible for this one! I couldn't get the pictures turned the correct way but knew daddy would want to see his kiddos enjoying the Polar Bear Express Train Ride in Fishers anyway! The kids heard a story about a Christmas train ride and boarded the train to enjoy sugar cookies, hot chocolate, and meeting Mrs. Clause, Santa Clause, and the bear named Snowflake. Daddy, we sure missed you! We continue to lift Aunt Faye and the rest of the Tucker/Briscoe/Buchanan family up in prayer as we say goodbye to Uncle Jim. We have many beautiful memories of time spent with him and know we will see him again in heaven.

Kate and Cy getting ready to ride the
Polar Bear Express.

Kate and Cy were a little nervous about
being so close to Santa, but Cy asked for
a Cubs baseball bat, and Kate asked for
a fishing pole!

Nolan and Kinley are getting to know
eachother and sharing lots of hugs!

G-mom and G-dad took all of us on
the train and cousin Savanna came
too! She was a huge help with keeping
Cy and Kate in line!

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