Saturday, June 23, 2007

Kate's room is ready for her arrival!

Chad spent the entire day helping put together a night stand, book shelf, and hanging many little things on the walls! He did an awesome job! Tomorrow will be exactly one week away from our due date and now we feel completely ready for Kate's grand entrance. Grandma Iris is hoping for June 26th (her birthday), Grammy Great Briscoe, Grammy Briscoe (along with Chad) are all hoping for 7.07.07, and Jamie is hoping it will be sooner than later! Here are some pics of the nursery...

This is the dresser/changing table! I know Kate will enjoy watching herself.

These pictures on the wall will hold black & whites
of Kate as a newborn.

Here are the beautiful letters from cousins Tate,
Mateya, and Tregan.

Thanks to our Beaver County Christian School Family,
Kate now has the beginnings of a wonderful library!

1 comment:

g-mom said...

Dear Daddy and Mommy,

You have done a wonderful job of getting the nursery ready for this special little gift from God! It is such a pretty room for the newest addition to the Briscoe Family. You both will be amazing parents, Kate doesn't know how good she will have it! She is a lucky little girl to have so many prayers whispered about her and to have parents who want to honor God by their actions and faith!

So Kate, we can't wait for you to be here since Daddy and Mommy have your room all ready.

love, G-mom