Monday, July 16, 2007

Busy Week

We had a busy day today. Dad has overnight basketball camp at the college and mom had to get paint taken off the car because she ran over a paint line in her last week of pregnancy! (Thanks Brock). Kate and mom came down and ate lunch with dad and all 120 basketball campers. Kate was once again able to stretch her eating to 5 hours last night. Mom & dad love the extra sleep! We are praying for at least 5 hours again tonight. We will keep you posted!


Mommy Lisa said...

I love Kate's hair! I can't wait to meet this beauty in person. We send our love.

Lisa, Joe and Reece

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she is just adorable! What a wonderful blessing it is to see such a precious, beautiful, and healthy child!! Nathan and I have enjoyed keeping up with your blog and pictures. This is an absolutely fantastic way to share and connect. In fact, I've shared your site with both Kati (who was in town visiting after moving to Florida this spring!) and my mom. Together, we have enjoyed looking at your pictures and reading about all of your fun!

It was so nice to catch up with you last week, and I look forward to meeting Kate in person! I'll also say a little prayer right now that you will get more than five hours of sleep tonight!!

With Love,