Thursday, July 12, 2007

MLB All-Star Game & Hanging out with Mom!

It has been a busy week for Kate. Aunt Connie & Courtney each took a turn staying with Mom and Kate while Dad was gone for work. It was very tough on Dad leaving his girls for the first time. Kate has been sleeping better and better each night and loves the eating schedule of 11 or 12 pm, 2 am and then again at 6am. Mom and Dad are so glad that she "likes" to sleep at night!ha. We take a walk almost each night. We were able to finally visit Rachel Sproul who works at Geneva, she lives in our complex and it was great for Kate to finally meet her. Rachel thanks for your prayers! Kate also watched her 1st MLB All-Star game with Mom and Dad on Tuesday night. We took a bath in the 3rd inning and watched most of it in bed. We have our 2 week check up tomorrow. We will keep you posted on how much she has grown...Mom would tell you Kate has been eating good! Thank you Lord for our Kate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Briscoe Family--thank you so much for the prayers for my stepdad--he continues to make wonderful progress. Little Kate looks so alert. It is amazing the facial changes babies have even in just a few weeks. It looks like she is just turning into a little person now. Jamie, if you get the chance, send me an email at and I can email you pictures of Norah. Enjoy your day together--this precious time goes by too quickly! Talk to you soon.