Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Birthday Girl Turns 3!

Kate you have grown up way too fast!!

Kate loves baseball!

2 months old

Go Colts!


Happy Birthday Kate...Mom & Dad Love you!

Cousin Cy thanks for coming to the party...I love to play with you!

Toombs Family & Cole Family - Thank you for everything!

Cole Family - Thank you for everything!

What a special day!
June 29, 2007 does not seem that long ago, but the time has passed so quickly! Kate, Mom and Dad thank the Lord for your life and for blessing our family with you just 3 short years ago today. It is such a blessing to watch you grow up and learn to love Jesus! Thank you for the joy, excitement, love, and happiness you bring to our family. We could not image our family without you. God tells us that children are a GIFT from HIM! Kate, we know that God has entrusted you to us and we pray you continue to grow to know Jesus and allow him to always have 1st place in your heart! WE had a wonderful Birthday weekend in Indianapolis with all the family. Thank you to all our family for the gifts, food, and time together to celebrate Kate's Birthday. Kate loved being with her cousin Cyrus and playing lots of games with all her family. Kate we love you and thank God for your life!! Happy Birthday! Love, Mom & Dad

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4 Is Better Than 3

Kate, Kinley, & Barney

Grandpa, Grandma, & Aunt Abbie...we love you!

Too much fun

Starting to get this thing down...eat, sleep, and you know.

Dad loves his girls

The transition at home from 3 to 4 has been great! Kate loves being a big sister, but teaching her not to smother Kinley has become a daily routine. Kate loves helping Mom and kissing Kinley in the swing. Kate also loves sticking her nose in Kinley's mouth...I am sure Kinley will get her back one day for that one. Kinley had her two week check up and all looks great. She is gaining weight and even getting longer! 98th percentile for height...she might have a chance! We had a great Father's Day at home, restful and just time together. We were blessed with Grandpa & Grandma Cole, Aunt Abbie, and Scotty coming by to see us on their way back to Indy. We had a great time together, it is fun to see everyone. Kate is quickly approaching her 3rd birthday...does not seem possible! Looking forward to a wonderful celebration with family over the weekend.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome Nolan Everett Cole

The newest additions to the family Nolan & Kinley

Happy Cousins!

Congrats Uncle David, Aunt Megan, Cousin Cy, & Cousin Nolan
Cousin Cy, Kate, and Cousin Berkley

New Cousins Nolan & Kinley
Congratulations to Uncle David, Aunt Megan, and Cousin Cyrus! Yesterday the newest addition to their family arrived in Mr. Nolan Everett Cole! We are so happy and thankful to welcome Nolan to the family. Both Aunt Megan and baby Nolan are doing well. We were able to go down to Indy to visit baby Nolan and all the family. It was great to have all of us together once again. As always Kate and Cyrus loved just being together and we had a wonderful time of fellowship celebrating new life once again in our family. We continue to pray for David, Megan, Cyrus, and Nolan as they head home over the weekend. Nolan Everett Cole, we love you and thank God for your life! Welcome to the family!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Doing Well at Home

Heading to Church for first time with family of 4!

Kinley you are such a great sleeper!!

Papaw came up from Virginia after he worked in Chicago

Grandma Cole went to Church with us

Grammy Briscoe spent the first week with us at home

Kinley Mae is making the wonderful transition to now being at home. Kate Marie is enjoying the responsibility of being a "helpful" big sister around the house too. We have been blessed with all our family being since our return from the hospital. Grandma Cole, Grammy Briscoe, and Papaw Briscoe have been up at different times the past two weeks. Thanks to each of you for all your help and support!! Kate has loved going swimming with Papaw, Grandma Cole fixed great meals, and Grammy Briscoe kept all the laundry done! We went to church for the first time as a family of 4 this past week. Kinley wore the same dress that Kate wore her first Sunday at Church. Grandma Cole was with us for the special day...Kinley slept through most of the service. Kate was happy to be back in her Sunday school class. Kinley has quickly made the change from day to night. The past few nights we have fed her around 11 or 12 pm and not heard a word until 6 am! Mom and Dad are LOVING getting some sleep!! Thanks again to all for your thoughts and prayers. We have our 2 week check up on Thursday...stay tuned!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Ready to Head Home

Ready to head home with Kate & Kinley

Baby Kinley Mae our gift from the Lord!

Ms. Kelly from the Grace Athletic Office came by - We love you Ms. Kelly!

Kate Loves being a BIG sister -- Cousin Cy your turn is coming soon!!

GiGi & Pap came up from Indy - We love you!!

We have had a wonderful experience at our hospital. The OB staff has been fantastic and we have been encouraged through fellowship with each of them during the stay. Kinley had another great night. She fed almost every 2 1/2 hours, which did give Mom and Dad some sleep through the night. Last night we spent time with Grammy Briscoe & G-Mom. GG & Pap came up to visit which was wonderful! We love our Gigi & Pap! Kate continues to want to hold her baby sister all the time and cannot wait to take her home to show Kinley her room. We continue to thank God for his blessing of new life in our family. We leave tired, but our faith is renewed and stronger from watching new life that can only come from God. Thanks again to each of you for all your prayers and support! We look forward to each of you meeting Kinley Mae Briscoe! Praise the Lord for his goodness and for his mercy that is new each day!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome Kinley Mae Briscoe

Kinley Mae Briscoe born June 3rd 2:12 pm

Cy & Kate loved playing together!

What a blessing from the Lord

Grammy & G-Mom are here to be with us for the weekend.

Kate loves holding her sister Kinley

Kinley Mae had a great first night. She fed every 3 hours and slept great. We did not hear a cry out of her all night. We spent the evening with all our family celebrating the miracle of Kinley's life from the Lord. Uncle David, Aunt Megan, and cousin Cy came up late in the afternoon to be with all the family. It was great to see Kate and Cy play together!! The doctor and hosptial chaplain have been by this morning. The chaplain shared with us the following Psalm.

Psalm 127
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.

Kinley is a gift from God and we are so blessed to have her join our family. Kinley is enjoying lots of sleep and she is eating very good! Both Grammy Briscoe & G-Mom Toombs are here, it is great to have them stay to help with Kate and Kinley. Thanks again to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. We plan to go home tomorrow! We look forward to talking to you soon!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kinley Mae Briscoe has arrived!

We thank God for the newest addition to the Briscoe family

Mom & Kinley are doing great!

Ready to eat!

Kate is so happy to be a BIG SISTER!

Welcome to the world Kinley Mae!

Kinley Mae Briscoe arrived at 2:12 pm on June 3, 2010! The birth went very smooth and Mom had no problems! Kinley came into the world 8 lbs.13 ozs. and 22 inches long. She came out with a head full of dark black hair just like her older sister Kate.
Mom is doing great and all the family rejoices with the Lord for the blessing of Kinley Mae Briscoe arriving today!! As we celebrate this amazing gift from God, we thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Our prayer as parents is that she will grow to know and Love the Lord with all her heart and live her life for Christ!! We were joined by G-Mom, G-Dad, Grandpa & Grandma Cole, Aunt Abbie, & Grammy Briscoe. We look forward to each of you meeting Kinley Mae Briscoe. We will be posting more pictures throughout the week. Kinley Mae Briscoe welcome to the Briscoe Family...we thank God for your life!!

June 3, 2010 -- Baby Coming!

At the hosptial - Baby Coming Today!

All the ladies had their nails done yesterday - looking good
Grandma & Grandpa Cole & Aunt Abbie

G-Mom & G-Dad Toombs

Grammy Briscoe - Happy Birthday Day! So glad you are here!

Well...we wanted baby Briscoe to arrive yesterday June 2nd to be born on Grammy Briscoe's B-Day, but the Lord had different plans. The contractions began at 3 am this morning, but yesterday there was no room in the Inn at the hospital. Seven babies were born yesterday and due our not going into full labor they delayed the delivery by one day. So, June 3rd is the date. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30 am and should have a baby by this afternoon. WE had a wonderful day yesterday all together and were able to celebrate Grammy Briscoe's birthday last night at the Boathouse in downtown Winona Lake. We will keep you posted with the arrival of baby Briscoe later today! Thank you for all your prayers as we wait on Gods gift to arrive!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day...wait

Kate & Mom at Winona Lake

Playing in the water at Shelby's house

Fun in the water!

Ready for baby sister to arrive

Well...no baby this weekend, but our Dr. appointment this morning shows that the baby is far enough along that we will deliver tomorrow (June 2nd) which is Grammy Briscoe's birthday as well. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend at home, watched the Indy 500 race on TV (Dad was sad he could not go to the race), watched Kate play in the yard, and we went for many walks! We will keep you posted tomorrow. Kate has loved talking to the baby each night before going to bed. Stay tuned the newest addition to the family will arrive tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers!