Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Doing Well at Home

Heading to Church for first time with family of 4!

Kinley you are such a great sleeper!!

Papaw came up from Virginia after he worked in Chicago

Grandma Cole went to Church with us

Grammy Briscoe spent the first week with us at home

Kinley Mae is making the wonderful transition to now being at home. Kate Marie is enjoying the responsibility of being a "helpful" big sister around the house too. We have been blessed with all our family being since our return from the hospital. Grandma Cole, Grammy Briscoe, and Papaw Briscoe have been up at different times the past two weeks. Thanks to each of you for all your help and support!! Kate has loved going swimming with Papaw, Grandma Cole fixed great meals, and Grammy Briscoe kept all the laundry done! We went to church for the first time as a family of 4 this past week. Kinley wore the same dress that Kate wore her first Sunday at Church. Grandma Cole was with us for the special day...Kinley slept through most of the service. Kate was happy to be back in her Sunday school class. Kinley has quickly made the change from day to night. The past few nights we have fed her around 11 or 12 pm and not heard a word until 6 am! Mom and Dad are LOVING getting some sleep!! Thanks again to all for your thoughts and prayers. We have our 2 week check up on Thursday...stay tuned!

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