Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Happy Birthday Kate...Mom & Dad Love you!

Cousin Cy thanks for coming to the party...I love to play with you!

Toombs Family & Cole Family - Thank you for everything!

Cole Family - Thank you for everything!

What a special day!
June 29, 2007 does not seem that long ago, but the time has passed so quickly! Kate, Mom and Dad thank the Lord for your life and for blessing our family with you just 3 short years ago today. It is such a blessing to watch you grow up and learn to love Jesus! Thank you for the joy, excitement, love, and happiness you bring to our family. We could not image our family without you. God tells us that children are a GIFT from HIM! Kate, we know that God has entrusted you to us and we pray you continue to grow to know Jesus and allow him to always have 1st place in your heart! WE had a wonderful Birthday weekend in Indianapolis with all the family. Thank you to all our family for the gifts, food, and time together to celebrate Kate's Birthday. Kate loved being with her cousin Cyrus and playing lots of games with all her family. Kate we love you and thank God for your life!! Happy Birthday! Love, Mom & Dad

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