Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4 Is Better Than 3

Kate, Kinley, & Barney

Grandpa, Grandma, & Aunt Abbie...we love you!

Too much fun

Starting to get this thing, sleep, and you know.

Dad loves his girls

The transition at home from 3 to 4 has been great! Kate loves being a big sister, but teaching her not to smother Kinley has become a daily routine. Kate loves helping Mom and kissing Kinley in the swing. Kate also loves sticking her nose in Kinley's mouth...I am sure Kinley will get her back one day for that one. Kinley had her two week check up and all looks great. She is gaining weight and even getting longer! 98th percentile for height...she might have a chance! We had a great Father's Day at home, restful and just time together. We were blessed with Grandpa & Grandma Cole, Aunt Abbie, and Scotty coming by to see us on their way back to Indy. We had a great time together, it is fun to see everyone. Kate is quickly approaching her 3rd birthday...does not seem possible! Looking forward to a wonderful celebration with family over the weekend.

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