Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Ready to Head Home

Ready to head home with Kate & Kinley

Baby Kinley Mae our gift from the Lord!

Ms. Kelly from the Grace Athletic Office came by - We love you Ms. Kelly!

Kate Loves being a BIG sister -- Cousin Cy your turn is coming soon!!

GiGi & Pap came up from Indy - We love you!!

We have had a wonderful experience at our hospital. The OB staff has been fantastic and we have been encouraged through fellowship with each of them during the stay. Kinley had another great night. She fed almost every 2 1/2 hours, which did give Mom and Dad some sleep through the night. Last night we spent time with Grammy Briscoe & G-Mom. GG & Pap came up to visit which was wonderful! We love our Gigi & Pap! Kate continues to want to hold her baby sister all the time and cannot wait to take her home to show Kinley her room. We continue to thank God for his blessing of new life in our family. We leave tired, but our faith is renewed and stronger from watching new life that can only come from God. Thanks again to each of you for all your prayers and support! We look forward to each of you meeting Kinley Mae Briscoe! Praise the Lord for his goodness and for his mercy that is new each day!

1 comment:

faranitamelia said...

Such a warm feeling about your post.
Congratulation for the new born ^^
Your baby is so cute and chubby, I'm a kid lover after all :)
I linked your blog to mine.